2016 State Champions!!

2016 State Champions!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Junior Varsity Girls Finish STRONG !

Lone Peak's Junior Varsity dominated the Region JV Tournament on Saturday Sept 24th. With a couple of Lone Peak entrants in several divisions, the Knights took 1st in four of the six division and took 2nd in five of the six divisions. Individual results and scores in the championship matches are included:
1st singles- 2nd place Sierra Dew (6-8)
2nd singles-1st place- Nicole Samuelian (8-6), 2nd place-Bonnie Nielsen
3rd singles-1st place-Sierra Cooper (8-6), 2nd place- Lauren Allen
1st doubles- 1st place-Sierra Squires & Lexi Sheffield (8-5), 2nd place-Sarah Nielson & Tieler Diederich
2nd doubles- 1st place-Capri Seaberg & JJ Bitton (8-5), 2nd place-Sierra Seaberg & Olivia Harkness

Congratulations to the Junior Varsity team for their dominating performance and for their undefeated season!