An information website about the Lone Peak Boys and Girls Tennis teams- schedules, rosters, upcoming events, camps,match updates and photos.
Monday, July 16, 2012
2012 Disclosure Document (Please Bring to Tryouts 7/30)
Lone Peak Girls Tennis: Approximate team size 18 to 20 members.
Tryouts will be held on July 30th, 31st and Aug 1st, from 6:45 to 9 AM. You must be in attendance at tryouts each day. The season culminates on October 9th.
· Costs : $60 participation fee, $80 to $100 additional for Uniform and Equipment charges (approximate cost will be known by August 9th) . All fees must be paid by August 22nd before you can play.
· Girls Tennis Coaches: John La Cognata (#801-592-8959) , Asst.- Dave Harkness (801-897-0213)
** Both Coaches have Full-Time jobs and accessibility during the day maybe limited! (Please leave a message!)
TRYOUTS: Cuts will begin the first day of tryouts, by Aug.6th our team will be mostly established. PARENTS are welcome to watch tryouts and round robin matches but must do so from their cars- there is no coaching allowed by parents during tryouts or during the season. Player selection will be based on form, attitude, year in school, wins as well as coaches observations.
PRACTICES:Practices are mandatory and you need to attend every practice. Some of you may have work conflicts, school conflicts or lessons. The expectation is that school studies and tennis will be your #1 priorities from Aug. 2nd to Oct. 9th. If you are unable to do that, you may want to reconsider playing tennis at Lone Peak.
EXCUSED ABSENCES:Examples include illness, injury, ACT testing, funerals (not your own) and you must contact John or Dave. Vacations and other conflicts need to be discussed with Coaches within first 2 weeks of the season.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES:Examples include: Lessons, tournaments, amnesia, babysitting, **making up school work, date with homecoming king, YW projects, vacations, and vision problems (I can’t see coming to practice today Coach !) or ear infections ( I HEARD we were not having practice today!). Two unexcused absences =1 match suspension, Four unexcused absences places you off the team indefinitely. Four ‘tardys’ to practice = 1 unexcused absence.
** While making up school work is important, one of life’s lessons that school teaches is time management. Translated, if you can’t balance your schoolwork with your tennis, you will graduate, you will not play tennis. Tennis Lessons need to be held at times other than practice or match times. We encourage players to participate in tennis lessons and junior development tournaments, within the parameters of our season. You will still be responsible to attend and play matches at practices regardless of your outside activity.
COMMITMENT- You are expected to be at practices and matches. You are expected to give a full effort every day. You will be expected to show support for teammates at matches by staying and cheering. You are expected to give a full effort every day. Some sports at Lone Peak do not allow you to play any other sport during the school year. Feel free to participate in other sports and activities during the year but we would discourage other sport participation for the 7 week period from Aug. 20th to Oct. 9 th. This is our Region and State season and injuries are not only a disappointment to you but also to teammates who have worked so hard all year.
GRADES- District and State policy is that you have a 2.0 with no more than 1 F. The Lone Peak Tennis Team policy is a minimum of a 2.5 GPA with NO F's. This is not a difficult policy- attend class and do your assignments. EDUCATION is your Number 1 priority young ladies!! During the season the UHSAA requires periodic grade checks!
BEHAVIOR- You represent Lone Peak High School, yourself and your family. Appropriate behavior is not only expected but required. Examples of inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to: swearing, racquet throwing, cheating, tantrums, and tanking matches. Demonstrating this behavior will result in your removal from the team. Appropriate behavior on busses for away matches is not only expected but is REQUIRED and is a District Policy. You will be expected to show respect to teammates and coaches at all times. You will be expected to show respect to opposing teams and coaches as well.
PARENTS- Your support of your child is a welcome and critical piece to their success. It seems that each month a news story is aired or printed about parents sportsmanship with respect to their child’s sport. These situations are rare with Lone Peak Tennis and I will be expecting parents to promote good sportsmanship and would hope that the emphasis we strive for together is the development of your child physically, socially, psychologically and in other ways. High School sports should be about this development, about participation and about having fun. It is not about winning State Championships.
I believe it is all about your child playing their very best, not being the best.
TEAM POSITIONS- We will do some mini-sets to set the team and then round robins for a couple of weeks to set positions. We may use the first few matches to mix and match our lineups and we will continue to have you play each other. We will have lineups ‘set’ by Labor Day though Challenge matches may still occur as we see necessary to finalize any position on the team. You may petition coaches for a challenge match if you feel the process has been unfair at all. The final position pieces will be determined by the coaches as we will move you or shuffle the lineup to provide the strongest team possible. (It's not where you play, its how you play!). You may play your way into a position, you continue to earn that position and keep that position through your play. Our goal should be to qualify the Entire Varsity Team for State, WORK hard to take STATE again and to take 1st in every position of the JV Tournament. This requires you to play unselfishly and be part of a team.
PHYSICALS- All players who make the team must have a physical and must have it completed by August 18, 2010. This is SCHOOL POLICY, not a team policy. The new Alpine School District policy is that you have a physical every year. Within the first 2 weeks we will have the services of a Dr. to do physicals at a reduced rate.
WHAT IS AN ALTERNATE ??- We have 7 Varsity players, 7 JV players and the remainder of the team are ‘alternates’. An alternate on the tennis team is someone who practices daily with the team and improves their skill level over the course of the 9 week season- about 75-100 hours of additional play. With the loss of 4-5 players this coming year, more available slots will be open for next year. The alternate is considered a member of the team in every aspect- they practice with the team, have the uniform, etc. with the only appreciable difference coming with respect to match play and match travel. Depending on the number of alternates, an alternate may not play a match on a match day though I will do everything possible to have them play someone, even a teammate on a match day. During the course of the season, the first two alternates will likely see some match time on Junior Varsity due to illness or other issues which require some team members to miss a match. Other alternates may have opportunities to move into JV matches during the season. For away matches, not all alternates would travel with the team, dependent on the number of players the opposing team has and missed school time. At the end of the season all of the JV players and alternates will have the opportunity of competing in a one day JV Region tournament as Junior Varsity players. If you have any questions with respect to being an alternate, please contact me @ 801-592-8959
DATE: ___________________________________
STUDENTS PRINTED NAME: ______________________________________________
STUDENTS SIGNATURE:__________________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: _________________________________________
PHONE NUMBERS: H _________________ W__________________ CELL ___________
PARENT EMAIL: ________________________________________________