C A N C E L L E D THE June 4-June 8--High School Girls Tennis Camp- Camp for 9-12 grade HS Girls on their HS Teams.
For Lone Peak Girls Team Members (Current & Trying out) Who are interested- There will be Saturday tournaments each and every week during the month of June!
Utah Valley High School Girls Tennis Tournament Series
All girls entering 9th grade-12th grade that are current high school tennis players or are interested in playing high school tennis this fall are invited to participate.
The dates and locations for the series are as follows:
June 9th - Pleasant Grove High School tennis courts-Hosted by Kelli Amussen (PGHS tennis coach)
June 16th – Mountain View High School tennis courts-Hosted by Wil Mueller (MVHS tennis coach)
June 23rd – Timpanogos High School tennis courts-Hosted by Kandace Zobell (THS tennis coach)
June 30th – Lone Peak High School tennis courts-Hosted by John La Cognata (LPHS tennis coach)
Match play will start at 9:00AM.
Registration is the day of the event. Please bring $5 dollars to cover the cost of balls and bring plenty of water!
If you have questions- Call Coach L @ 801-592-8959